About Us
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Our Board of Directors
- Dennis Longstreth, President
- Joanne Clyde, Vice President
- Ruth Culp, Secretary
- Sherie Mayo, Treasurer
- Aleeta Bauder, Member At-Large
- Ron Fribush, MD, Member At-Large
- Margaret Andrews, Honorary Member
- Jean Frank, Honorary Member
- Fr. Dave Elsensohn, Honorary Member
We also maintain a list of past members of the Board of Directors at our office.
Our Board of Directors
Is responsible for ensuring effective and fiscally sound programs and operation by providing good leadership, encouragement, advice and direction to the staff and volunteers of the organization.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Define and oversee the mission of BHV and keep it relevant to the needs of the community.
- Maintain knowledge of current programs and staff of the organization.
- Assist with fundraising efforts by participating in special events, mail campaigns, donor development, and by soliciting the financial support of others, including associates, employers and friends.
- Ensure adequate funding and financial solvency to achieve goals through budget oversight, fundraising and fiscal management.
- Share individual resources, expertise and talents with the organization.
- Review and approve policies, program goals and budget.
- Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of program against goals and plans.
- Select, support and evaluate the director.
- Serve as an advocate of the organization to various constituent groups.
- Ensure continuous board improvement.
To become a board member, Contact Us
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